Upcoming & Current Projects.
Publications & Seminars
October 2021 - May 2025
Is there an ongoing legacy of the Transatlantic Slave Trade in Britain? Should the descendants of enslaved Africans be given reparations? Should the British public pay?
As a part of this important project, join our seminars, read our publications and fill in our questionnaire.
Workshops & Lectures
November 2021 - June 2025
Have you ever been made to feel like your Black skin was a badge of shame rather than honour? Ever wondered why Black person are 9 times more likely to be stopped and searched than a White person.
Join our workshops and lectures on this perplex and ongoing subject.
Publications and Seminars
December 2021 - November 2025
How does climate change affect people of African descent? How will the African Diaspora overcome the challenges and impacts of the climate crisis. What are the solutions?
As a part of this important project, join our seminars, read our publications and fill in our questionnaire.
The Ongoing Legacy of the Transatlantic Slave Trade in Britain
Black Skin - No Sin
Climate Change & the African Diaspora
When Black Women Speak
Publications & Seminars
February 2022 - January 2026
Enhancing the voices of Black women in the UK and throughout the African Diaspora. This event will explore contemporary biases faced by Black women in various areas of life, their origins, entrenched legacies and, identify effective tools which can be used to overcome them.
We will explore biases that are found in the following areas: education, career progression, migration, travel, health, wellbeing, social mobility to intergenerational mobility. Aspects of intersectionality will also be discussed including sexism and racism alongside providing effective tools that may be used to overcome such biases.